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About Me

My mission is to wholeheartedly serve with boundless energy, love, and joyful enthusiasm, with the aim of transforming lives. This commitment extends to you, my valued clients, my family, and the broader world we inhabit. I believe in my heart that I've been set upon this path to connect with you, right here and now. Becoming a life coach is not just a profession but a profound calling for me, one that I hold dear, promising to provide you with nothing less than my very best. So, without hesitation or overthinking, embrace the moment you're in; there's a purpose for it. Schedule your assessment call with me, and together, we'll uncover the reason you're here.

I'm Scott

After more than three decades in the high-tech industry, I made the bold decision to 'retire' and launch my life coaching practice. My journey through the high-tech sector was a rollercoaster, with remarkable successes that earned me accolades and trips to stunning destinations, as well as challenging moments, including a layoff from one of the world's leading hardware manufacturers in 2015.
However, one constant thread woven throughout my high-tech sales career was my unwavering passion for coaching and mentoring. Be it in the corporate world, coaching sports teams, or assisting friends and family, I have always been a coach – a source of empowerment for others, dedicated to helping them realize their best selves.
The accumulation of my life experiences, my fervor for personal development, and my innate desire to support others positions me as the ideal candidate to coach you. I am confident that I can help you unlock a brighter future. The real question is: Are you ready to take the step towards unlocking a better future for yourself?

How I Can Help You

I have the ability to guide you through a transformative journey using the same coaching curriculum that had a profound impact on my life. I can assist you in breaking free from limitations, gaining clarity, cultivating courage, and discovering your future purpose. To get started, I offer a complimentary assessment along with a 90-minute coaching session, where we can collaboratively assess if my coaching style aligns with your needs. Irrespective of your choice, I'll equip you with practical tools that you can immediately apply, initiating your path towards creating the life you truly desire. There's nothing to lose, so take that first step towards transformation by scheduling your free assessment and coaching session today.

I'm Ready To Change My Life